Tuesday morning, 7am, Mitch and I said our teary (but totally macho.. cause we're men) goodbyes and I hit the road again. The plan was to make it to Kansas City, MO by days end, where gambling and barb-e-que awaited. But before I got there I would have to go through Indiana (corn fields), Illinois (more corn fields), and the rest of Missouri (St. Louis, then corn fields).

Speaking of St. Louis... That arch thingy is impressive! Seeing it on TV or from afar is cool and all, but I think I took it for granted. Up close the thing really stunned me with its brute beauty and scale. The fucker is big! I didn't even ride to the top - just stood next to it, touched it, walked through it, looked up, and pondered. It was a significant moment.. I was now officially in the west.. kinda. I had gone through the Gateway at least. Symbolism doesn't get much more obvious!

After getting philosophical for a minute, I came to and had visions of barbecue sandwiches dancing in my head.. I had best be getting on down the road. I paid my $6 Arch parking fee (a warning for you future wanderers) and headed across the mighty Mississippi River.
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