If you haven't heard, I've found a place to call home. It is a one bedroom apartment in New Jersey... much cheaper than anything I could find in New York and still only 25 minutes to Manhattan. It is in a four family house on a tree-lined residential street. On the left is the outside of the house, below is my kitchen. It doesn't look like much on the inside yet, but I like it and you can click on the link to the right to see more pictures.

On Saturday I got the keys and had cable, phone, and internet installed... now all I need is a TV, a phone, and a computer! Well, I have a computer, but I won't actually start sleeping there until I get some more furniture and get all my stuff moved over from Queens. The rest of my stuff from Vegas probably won't get here until early August... hopefully...maybe. Movers can pretty much do whatever they want... they got your stuff, you want your stuff, what can you do?
I also went ahead and got a car to get around the Jersey 'burbs. She's a 1998 Mazda 626, found on Craigslist. Last time I drove a 626 it was totaled... through no fault of my own, mind you. But let's hope that doesn't happen again.

All in all, a busy couple weeks getting all these ducks in a row. I am happy to have a place to hang my hat.
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